【Tue.Sat】9:30~13:15 【Closed】Thu.Sun.National Holiday
Overview of Smoking Cessation Treatment
The patient needs to visit us 5 times in 12 weeks. At the initial consultation, we ask the patient if you have a health insurance to cover the treatment or the patient’s smoking habit.
Three Features of Smoking Cessation Clinic
Measure harmful substance on the breath
Prescribe supplements for smoking cessation
Give advice for the patient’s smoking habit.
Procedure of the Smoking Cessation Treatment
Referred to Japanese Circulation Society, Japan Lung Cancer Society, Japanese Cancer Association, Japanese Respiratory Society, Standard Procedure for Smoking Cessation Treatment (5th ver. 2012)
Overview of Smoking Cessation Treatment
The patient needs to meet following conditions to apply the health insurance for the smoking cessation treatment.
“Requirements for Smoking Cessation” to be covered by health insurance
Get 5 points or more in the nicotine dependency test.
Average number of smoking per day x smoking years = 200 or more
You want to stop smoking within one month.
You have agreed to get the smoking cessation treatment. (Please write on the consultation sheet.)
More than one year has passed since you had taken the last smoking cessation treatment
If you received the smoking cessation treatment covered by the health insurance, etc. before, you cannot be covered within one year from the initial consultation day of the previous treatment.
Consulted at medical institutions that provide the smoking cessation
treatment covered by health insurance, etc.
Our clinic provides such treatment.
Overview of Smoking Cessation Treatment
Carbon monoxide (CO) is toxic gas without color, taste, or smell. The smoker’s breath is known to have high level of CO density. We can measure the CO level in just 20 second.
CO density level in the breath
7~10ppm:caution-needed (possibility of low-frequency smoking)
16~25ppm:frequent smoker
26~35ppm:addictive smoker
36~50ppm:highly addictive smoker
51ppm and above:dangerously addictive smoker